Letter from the Chapter


Dear New Members,

I am so excited for you to begin your Tri Delta experience. These will be four unforgettable years of friendship, personal growth, and fond memories. It’s hard to believe I was in your shoes just a few years ago, so nervous about what my future would hold. I came all the way from California to pursue a career in nursing, explore a new city and culture, and hopefully make great friends. Tri Delta has given me all that and more. From trips across the country to weekly dinner & study dates, these girls have been my rock during some of the most transformative years of my life. 

Sarah Ida Shaw founded Tri Delta at Boston University in 1888 with a purpose for girls to come together and steadfastly love one another. Our chapter at Kentucky has done just that through generation after generation of strong and thoughtful women. We push each other to be our best selves by breaking down boundaries and encouraging each other to accomplish our goals and dreams. 

I am honored to serve as the Vice President of Membership Experience for Delta Rho. This position is redefined with the new officer structure and I am so excited to be involved in both the recruitment and new member processes. The recruitment and new member teams have worked hard to lead our chapter and find girls who value truth, self-sacrifice, and friendship. Always remember that you have people around you who love and support all that you do and cherish every minute of your time at this wonderful school. Tri Delta is here to guide and challenge you with whatever you set your mind to and I can’t wait to watch you all shine. Never hesitate to ask questions and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. 


Delta Love and Mine,

Julia Way

Vice President of Membership Experience 

Delta Rho Chapter of Delta Delta Delta

brave, bold, kind